when we move to testing stage.

when we move to testing stage.

A place for all your online esports courses

Experienced instructors

Blog posts & news
Tournament Organisation – Operations
Tournament Organisation – Operations
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Tournament Organisation – Planning
Tournament Organisation – Planning
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Tournament Organisation – Technical
Tournament Organisation – Technical
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Business in esports – Marketing
Business in esports – Marketing
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Tournament Organisation – Formats
Tournament Organisation – Formats
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Business in esports – Organisations
Business in esports – Organisations
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Business in esports – Game Culture
Business in esports – Game Culture
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Business in esports – Marketing
Business in esports – Marketing
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Communication – Data
Communication – Data
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Communication – Social Media
Communication – Social Media
The course Introduction eSports Communication is the perfect lesson to take the next step in the world of eSports.
Communication – Community
Communication – Community
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Media – Distribution
Media – Distribution
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Media – Mediums
Media – Mediums
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Media – Target Markets
Media – Target Markets
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Team Management – Branding
Team Management – Branding
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Team Management – Players
Team Management – Players
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.
Team Management – Sponsors
Team Management – Sponsors
This course is still under development. Please stay tuned for more details.

We are All Esports Academy!
Create your free account now to get notified when we move to testing stage
All Esports Academy is your online learning platform, helping you to train yourself into careers in esports and video games. By working with experienced esports professionals we are looking to build courses and relevant content to train and empower individual skill acquisition and personal development.
Our community blog and articles feature will enable everyone to share insights or post opinion pieces about working in and learning about esports.
We believe in the growth of esports in all its facets and hope to become a building block for the careers of qualified talents to help pave the industry forward.
Please stay tuned for more information about All Esports Academy. You can already sign up and create a profile or join our Discord Server, as we are working on getting ready for the first content and course work.
And if you feel you have what it takes to help other people learn about esports, we’d like to hear from you.